Cloudy with a Chance
Students will read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs and relate it to real world weather events.
Students will create a structure measuring at least 6 inches that will protect their person from weather events.
Next Generation Science Standards Supported:
K-ESS3-2: Ask questions to obtain information about the purpose of weather forecasting to prepare for, and respond to, severe weather
Common Core Math Standards Supported:
CC.2.4. K.A.1: Describe and compare attributes of length, area, weight, and capacity of everyday objects
Common Core English Standards Supported:
CC.1.2. K. B: With prompting/support answer questions about key details in a text.
CC.1.2.K.C: With prompting and support, make a connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text
Given Materials: Each material is representative of some sort of food. This challenge could be done with real food, but if this is done the kit would not be reusable. Each group receives:
4 Pool Noodle Pieces Cut into Circles (“Donuts”)
4 Pool Noodle Pieces Cut into Half-Circles (Halved “Donuts”)
6 Paper “Pancakes” and 3 Paper “Bread” (cutout/coloring pages attached below)
Allow Students Scissors and Crayons to cut out/color these pages (optional)
Recommended to Print on Cardstock
Squares of Fabric (with food printed on it)
6 (5”x5”) squares
6 (2”x12”) strips
12 Straws
1 Small Container Play Doh (“Cookie Dough”)
Masking Tape (distributed in pieces by teacher)
12 Toothpicks
12 Dixie Cups
12 Popsicle Sticks
Total Approximate Cost: $5
Book Activities: (20 minutes)
Read Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs aloud to student(s).
Discuss the bread houses that the people built at the end of the story. What is the purpose of a house? (It protects us from bad weather.)
Discuss weather. Draw a different type of weather in each circle on the attached "Exploring Weather" worksheet. (This can be done individually or as a class activity.) Be sure to include wind, rain, snow, and hail as these will be referenced within the STEAM challenge. (Others could include sun and clouds)
STEAM Challenge: (30-45 minutes)
Student Goal: Individually or in small groups, build a structure that protects your person from bad weather.
Structure Requirements:
At least 6 inches tall
Person must be placed inside of the structure and stay “safe” (dry, standing, nothing falling on top of them) during weather testing
Person is 2 inches wide and 3 inches tall, made out of cardstock paper (template attached below)
Structure must remain standing when tested with weather conditions
Testing Procedure:
When students are finished with their structure, they can call the teacher (or parent) over to test it. If at any point during testing the structure falls over or the person inside touched by the weather elements, testing procedure should be paused, and students encouraged to consider how the structure could be improved to prevent this. When students have made a change to the structure, the testing procedure can begin again. The structure should be tested by the following procedure:
“Wind”: Point a blow dryer on low setting or a mini fan directly at the middle of the structure. Move back and forth a bit, aiming at different points within the structure for about 30 seconds.
“Rain”: Using a spray bottle, spray water onto the structure from above. Continue this, moving around different points above the structure for about 10 seconds.
“Snow”: Slowly sprinkle a tablespoonful of flour overtop of the structure, evenly distributing it across the structure’s “roof.”
“Hail”: Slowly drop about 20 clear beads on top of the structure.
Reflection: (10 minutes)
As a class (or individually with parent/teacher), reflect on the challenge. Discuss:
What went well and what didn’t?
Did you have to change anything about your design along the way?
Where could the design be improved even more?